Thursday, November 25, 2010

It gets easier It gets harder

Having a child I have found to not be easy, although no one ever said it would be. In the beginning I would just pray for her to sleep through the night. I ended up sleeping on and off just as she did, napping at one pm and one am. The first night she slept through the night I thought my troubles were over and it would be getting easier. Oh was I wrong. When one thing gets easier another gets harder. She learned to crawl and to say my name, no YELL my name. The first time she crawled and started talking I was so happy. Little did I know that this would create headaches, child locks, and chasing after her. Each mile stone does have it's ups and downs. I know that she will learn to walk, and then run, and I'll be chasing her. I also know this means I do not have to carry her every were . I know she will be eating on her own soon and making a mess on her own. I know that she will go off to her first day of school soon but that she will get smarter. I know that she will grow up fast right before my eyes but that she will always be my baby.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Teething...the Nightmare

   About a month ago the nightmare began; when I finally thought it was going to get easier, there it was staring me in the face. She, my daughter, started teething. When you think about teeth certain things may come to mind, when your the mother of a young child those things are completely different. Losing sleep, screaming, frozen fingers from teething toys. You do not just do this once you do it for a whole mouth full of teeth. Just when you think the screaming and the biting will never end... you see that smile with that first little tooth it makes your heart melt. It is exciting and sometimes trying, to see a child grow before your eyes, but for all those sleepless nights, there's their first tooth, first tooth brush, and first solid food.