Wednesday, December 22, 2010

All work and no fun

I watch my daughter, clean up after my daughter, do school, and look for work. My me time is gone. NO freinds no break. I feel like I am going to snap. I just lost the last connection to my freinds. All the me time I had hust flew away. All this work and no breaks. It just doesn't seem doable. I feel like just giving up right now.  I see no light at the end of the tunnel and someone just took away my flash light. Is there any hope?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Getting it done?

I have lived with my sister for about a week now, and I moved here because well I had no choice and for more opportunity. I have been taking care of my daughter, school; and just added classes, and looking for a job. My daughter is almost walking and it is almost impossible to do anything but watch her while she is awake. I am practically a single mother, her father visits about once a month. I am trying super hard at school and feel empty because I still haven't seen the reward of all my hard work. I haven't had to look for work in a long time. I started my last jib in 2007 and worked there til 2009. Then took time off to have my daughter and moved away from my job. Now a days it is a tough market out there. Finding a job is a lot harder than I imagined. So, all this work that I am doing, and it doesn't feel like I'm really getting anything done.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


My daughters father is less than helpful. Yes, he does give some child support but not enough. He been “planning” to get his GED and “planning” to come and see his daughter more. I watch her, I feed her, I have her with me 24/7, I go to school, and I now have to work because he can't do what he is supposed to. I yell at him the same things over and over and it hits him like a wall and bounces back to me. He says he is trying, but he always with his friends. He says he loves me and wants a family and he don't see that his family has been sitting here waiting for him to grow up. Am I addicted to yelling? Am I wrong? Is he just messing with my mind to see his side or am I right? I feel like I am at an in-pass with my heart and my mind. As I was writing my paper on preventing teen pregnancy, I just realized I followed in my moms foot steps and I don’t know if I can leave my daughter without a father like I was. Do I give her a father that less than worthy or not one at all.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Were my life is going?

I just recently moved out of my mothers house and in with my sister. I know that I should be a grown up by now since, stable without help. I have a kid of my own, but  think though it makes it that much harder. I lived with my mom when I found out I was pregnant, and had no job. I signed up for school though but I still felt like I was going no were. I am 21, have a baby, no licence, no car, no job. Being at home with my mom I was trapped in a cycle, constantly worrying about my living situation and were my life was going. Well a few days ago in yet another fight with my mom, she made me move. Don't get me wrong I was grateful  for her helping with a place to live but I needed more. Since moving in with my sister, I am going to take the permit test, got all my medical stuff switched over to new town, plans on a future job, and it only been a day. It may be a hard long road but I feel things are finally looking up. I am excited and scared, but very ready to figure this out and get out there on my own.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Have you ever had a life changing dilemma?

Have you ever had a life changing dilemma? My daughter is almost one and before she was born her father and I got along great. Yea, we had our moments, but for the most part was good. After I had my daughter however, and I am not blaming her but it changed us. I thought it would bring us closer and happier and a family. Instead it had me seeing all his faults through a magnify glass and before I was blinded to the fact. Before it didn't bother me that he was out of work and lived with his mother, and had no drive to go any were with his life, because I loved him passed that and I didn't need him to be any more than what he was. Believe me I have asked and YELLED for him to change and nothing, I need his help now for our daughter and I feel in this alone. I have lost countless nights of sleep over this. I feel like I do not want him anymore but still love him. I am wondering if its even fair to ask him to change. I love my daughter and want that family but not at the cost of our happiness. No matter what I decide someone gets hurt. He says he try’s and that he loves me but every word that he says I feel him letting me down again, breaking another promise again. My dilemma, love.